April has spent the last two years of high school in a relationship with Nick—from first frantic m April has spent the last two years of high school in a relationship with Nick—from first frantic make-out session to final tear-stained breakup. In the aimless summer between graduation and college, the newly single April mends her heartbreak by striking up an unexpected friendship with an unlikely candidate: Nick’s new girlfriend, Clara. 在高中最后两年时光里,April和同学Nick谈了场轰轰烈烈的恋爱,然后他们突然分手了。在大学开始前这个无所事事的夏天,April认识了一位新的朋友,Clara,借此来抚慰她受伤的心灵。可万万没想到的是,这个新的朋友,正是Nick新交的女朋友。详情
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